KI's Pedagogical policy
The Pedagogical policy for is a common starting point and guidance when working with learning within KI, regardless of role and activity. The Pedagogical policy is based on three perspectives.
KI's Pedagogical policy
- A shared point-of-departure that is clear for all committees, teachers, and students at KI.
- Not a method, but an approach for inspiration and guidance.
- The Pedagogical policy has three perspectives: Studentcentered and active learning, Scholarship of teaching and learning and Psychological safety.
Origin of the Pedagogical policy
The Pedagogical policy has its origin in the Karolinska Institutet´s value statements: Magna Charta Universitatum, governmental values base and KI:s core values.
Three perspectives
Student-centered and active learning

- Teaching is approached from the perspective that students are co-creators of and bear responsibility for their own learning.
- The teacher is a facilitator, a guide who supports the development of knowledge and competence.
Active learning:
- Learning is an active process – the student needs to process the content themselves in order to develop their knowledge.
Scholarship of teaching and learning
"A continuous and systematic effort to develop one’s teaching practice to improve its impact on learners and their learning."
- Bolander Laksov & Scheja (2020).

Structure, activities, and processes that contribute include:
- Systematic reflection – Individually and peer
- Unit for Teaching and Learning’s resources and activities
- Faculty Board Grants for research and development

Psychological safety
"A psychologically safe learning environment is one that is experienced as safe for interpersonal interactions." - Edmondson (1999)
- Essential to create the best possible conditions for learning and the scholarship of teaching and learning.
- In a psychological safe environment, participants can present ideas, ask questions, share concerns, or admit mistakes without running the risk for being punished, ridiculed, or embarrassed.
KI’s education and research need to be and be experienced as relevant to the needs and challenges facing society and the future roles of our students. Relevance requires a long-term commitment to continual short-term iterations of adaptation.
The Pedagogical policy contributes to the university developing as a learning organization to achieve the highest quality in learning, with sustainable relevance for the needs of both students, teachers and the surrounding society.
KI's Pedagogical policy complements and relates to a number of other steering documents, plans and processes.
The Pedagoical policy was endorsed by the Faculty Board in June 2022.