Explanation of the freezer alarms generated in the freezer facility in ANA Futura
When the freezer temperature rises, an alarm is generated by a system called SCADA. Currently an alarm is passed to the alarm receiver of the freezer. These are designated by the freezer's owner.
In case of an alarm, an email and a text message will be sent to designated alarm recipients.
Alarm Explanations
B alarm / internal alarm (active) = Alarm from the freezer's internal alarm. This can be caused by a power disruption in the freezer or by too high temperature. This applies to freezers with and without PT-100 sensors.
B alarm / internal alarm (inactive) = "Inactive" means that the freezer's internal alarm has reverted. This applies to freezers with and without PT-100 sensor.
A-alarm (active) "high or high-high temperature" = means that the temperature has exceeded the alarm limit i.e., the freezer is warmer than -65 (high) or -60 (high-high). This only applies to freezers with PT-100 sensor.
A-alarm (inactive) "high or high-high temperature" = "inactive" means that the temperature alarm has reverted. This only applies to freezers with PT-100 sensors.
Viewing the temperature in the freezer / isothermal in real time
When a freezer / cryo container has a PT-100 sensor, you can log in to the SCADA system and see the temperature of the freezer / cryo container in real time and view the temperature history.
Note! It is mandatory for all freezers in ANA Futura to ha a PT-100 sensor installed.