Doctoral Programme in Cardiovascular Research

The doctoral programme in CardioVascular Research (CVR programme) is designed to create an interactive and comprehensive learning platform for cardiovascular research education at Karolinska Institutet, and to fulfil our mission of educating prospective and competent cardiovascular researchers.

Overview of the CVR programme

Specific aims of the CVR doctoral programme are: i) to organize a series of postgraduate courses designed to meet the specific needs of cardiovascular research education at KI, ii) to offer students learning opportunities for both fundamental knowledge and cutting-edge cardiovascular research, iii) to create a networking place allowing students to communicate/interact beyond groups and departments and between programmes and networks, and iv) to provide the trainees with a cultivating ground not only for good science and research independence but also for social competence, entrepreneurship, and leadership. Hence, the programme is committed to provide KI doctoral students and post-doctoral trainees with good scientific training both in pre-clinical, clinical, and epidemiological cardiovascular research.

The programme organizes a number of doctoral education courses covering background knowledge of cardiovascular sciences, advanced research and clinical subjects, basic and advanced experimental methodologies, as well as career development. The CVR programme collaborates with other KI cardiovascular research networks/centres and partner doctoral programmes to organise research seminar series, symposia, and joint research retreats. The programme also organizes an annual cardiovascular research retreat to enhance the communication and networking among doctoral students. Together, the CVR doctoral programme constitutes an interactive and innovative environment for KI doctoral students to learn, to develop, and to mature in science and beyond science.

Sign up for the CVR programme

Do you want to sign up for the CVR programme?

As a doctoral student at Karolinska Institutet you can sign up for one or more doctoral programme and thus obtain information on the courses and activities that are arranged. An expression of interest is submitted when you apply for admission to doctoral education, or at any time during the doctoral education by sending an email to Nailin Li. This means that you will receive information from the the doctoral programme in cardiovascular research about the programme's courses and activities.


CVR programme has a repertoire of more than 20 syllabi of doctoral courses in a broad range of pre-clinical and clinical cardiovascular research/medicine. CVR programme has an ambition to run approximately 10 one-week or two-week fulltime courses per year.

To facilitate the planning of CVR doctoral students’ course work, the links of the list of CVR doctoral courses and their organizers/contact info and the CVR course list in the current and/or upcoming terms are provided below:

CVR Programme.Doctoral courses list 2024

CVR.2023VT course list

CVR.2023HT course list

CVR.2024VT course list

CVR.2024HT course list

CVR.2025VT course list


Application to courses is made directly in the course catalogue at Karolinska Institutet. The available courses on doctoral level are announced once per semester. The course catalogue is published and open for application during three weeks, around 15 April - 5 May (for autumn semester) and 15 October - 5 November (for spring semester).

After the application period is closed the applicant can only be admitted according to availability. A late application is made directly to the course organizer. KI's courses are open for registered doctoral students at all universities and colleges. If space allows, other applicants may also be accepted.

Formal note about admission (or not) is emailed to the applicants within a month after the application time is closed. If you are not admitted, you will be asked for interest to be on the waiting list. The applicant needs to confirm participation by a form signed by the applicant and his/hers supervisor.

All syllabi for courses at doctoral level at KI are collected in the Fubas database.

Other educational activities

CVR programme organises research seminar series and cardiovascular retreats in collaborations with other KI cardiovascular research networks.

CVR research seminars and other educational activities will be announced via our news letters and posted at this site.

KI Cardiovascular Research Retreat 2024 –– Sangå-Säby; November 28-29

Information for course organizers

CVR.Course organization guide 2024

CVR.Course Funding Application Form

Steering group

Nailin Li (programme director), associate professor, Department of Medicine-Solna, KI

Bruna Gigante, associate professor and consultant, Department of Medicine-Solna, KI and Department of Cardiology, Danderyd Hospital

Joy Roy, associate professor, Department of Molecular Medicine and Surgery, KI

Daniel Andersson, associate professor, Department of Physiology and Pharmacology, KI

Anton Gisterå, assistant professor, Department of Medicine-Solna, KI

Gianluigi Savarese, associate professor and consultant, Department of Medicine-Solna, KI

Sven Pawelzik, assistant professor, Center for Molecular Medicine and Department of Medicine-Solna, KI

Jil Protzmman, doctoral student, Department of Medical Biochemistry and Biophysics, KI

Kimberley Hammar, doctoral student, Department of Clinical Sciences, Danderyd Hospital, KI

Programme Coordinator:

Angela Silveira, associate professor, Department of Medicine-Solna, KI


Profile image

Nailin Li

Programme director
Profile image

Angela Silveira

Programme coordinator
Content reviewer:
Nailin Li