Doctoral programme in Cell Biology and Genetics

The Cell Biology and Genetics programme is a university-spanning and interdepartmental programme that invites doctoral and post-doctoral students at Karolinska Institutet to participate in the different activities it organizes or sponsors.

Programme overview

The aim of the network is to support the science education within Cell biology and genetics, fields that apply Cell biology and genetics, or related fields according to the objectives of doctoral education at KI. The network bridges various research disciplines within pre-clinical and clinical research. The courses offered by the network are open to all doctoral and post-doctoral students in Swedish universities, and the network also welcomes applications from doctoral students from other countries.

The network is a collaboration with groups from many parts of KI, and its administrative base is at the Department of Cell and Molecular Biology at KI Biomedicum. In addition to that, the network collaborates with a number of other organizations in Sweden and abroad in the organization of individual courses and events.

Sign up for the doctoral programme

All doctoral students at Karolinska Institutet are welcome to join the programme by sending an email to
Note that you can be a member of several doctoral programs. As a member you will receive information about the activities in the programme through a mailing list.


The programme organizes courses in general cell and molecular biology, from the basic doctoral level to very specialized advanced courses. The courses include genetics, epigenetics, genomics and bioinformatics. The courses are announced in the KI course catalogue. For courses organized right now or in the near future, please consult the course catalogue.

These courses are offered annually:

  • 3020 Genomics for biomedical scientists
  • 2981 Rare disease genomics
  • 3127 Human Cell Culture. Methods and applications.
  • 2214 Redox regulation, oxidative stress and selenoproteins (collaboration with universities in the USA)
  • 3027 Bioinformatics analysis of gene regulation in omics data and its applications to medical problems (collaboration with RIKEN in Yokohama)
  • 5223 Artificial intelligence and machine learning for biomedical and clinical research
  • 3129 Basic electron microscopy for cell biologists
  • 3104 The epigenome: a platform for the integration of metabolig and signaling pathways in development and on the path to disease
  • Joint summer school with Beijing University Health Science Center, Keyo University, King's College London and KI, different research themes every year

Following courses offered in the programme, but not annually

  • 2061 Epigenetics and its applications in clinical research
  • 5280 Cell sheet technology (CST) and its clinical applications

For ideas and proposals for new courses and activities to strengthen our support for doctoral studies, please contact

A number of other specialized and general courses are also given each semester and will be announced in the KI doctoral course catalogue.

The courses offered by the programme are open to all doctoral and post-doctoral students in Swedish universities, and the programme also welcomes applications from doctoral students from other countries.

Application and admission to courses on doctoral level

Application to courses is made directly in the Course catalogue at Karolinska Institutet. The available courses on doctoral level are announced once per semester. Note that registered doctoral students at KI have priority in admission, but even post-docs and doctoral students from other universities are welcome to apply.

Retreats and other activities organized by doctoral students

The program supports annually retreats organized by doctoral students. The doctoral students develop and lead the scientific program with presentations, discussions, poster sessions and other activities. An important part of these activities is supporting new doctoral students to expand their networks in science, and also broaden their scope and perspective in research.

Even other activities are supported, such as outreach activities to help the doctoral student communicate research news to the society. Please contact if you have an idea for a novel doctoral education activity.


Pedagogic support to course directors and activity organizers

The program gives pedagogic and administrative support to course directors and activity organizers.
For pedagogic support, we offer the following:

  • course design from outcomes to contents, pedagogy and examination
  • basic principles of course administration and management
  • choice of pedagogic methods based on pedagogic research
  • use of technologhy supported learning, such as web streaming and audience response methods
  • TBE-inspired learning and teaching
  • use of learning environments to support learning and teaching activities

For pedagogic support, contact directly.

Steering group

  • Roberto Ballarino (doctoral student representative, MF)
  • Carsten Daub (BioNut, Karolinska Institutet)
  • Sandra Falck (Senior research coordinator, KI)
  • Rebecca Hamilton (MD, CMB & London School of Tropical Medicine)
  • Johan Holmberg (Scientist, CMB)
  • Matthew Kirkham, vice-head of education at CMB
  • Linda Lindell, program coordinator (CMB) - Responsibilities: reporting, home page, course evaluations, support to course directors, admission and LADOK reporting
  • Matti Nikkola, head of program (CMB) - Responsibilities: main contact person, chair of steering group, reporting, home page, QA/QC, contacts (KI, national, international)


Matti Nikkola

Head of programme

Linda Lindell

Programme coordinator

Department of Cell and Molecular Biology is the host department for the programme

Postal address:
Karolinska Institutet
Department of Cell and Molecular Biology
171 77 Stockholm

Visiting address:
Matti Nikkola
Biomedicum B7 0771
Solnavägen 9
171 65 Solna

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