For LIME staff
LIME – where Medicine meets Social Sciences, Humanities and Technology
News, calendar events and operating info for those who are employed at or affiliated with the Department of Learning, Informatics, Management and Ethics (LIME).


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All About LIME
Only accessible if you´re already in the Team.
Link to all pages on the Staff portal with LIME-specific content
Select an option
Access card / badge Burglar alarms and security Collaboration agreement Computer, how to order Crisis and disaster management Defibrillators Equal rights and oppurtunities Eye examination and glasses Fire safety Groups and meetings Health promoter If you get ill Language Mail service within KI and LIME (in English below the Swedish) Parking and parking sticker Print, scan and copy Receipts and travel expenses Recovery rooms at LIME RuFFA - LIME´s physical acitivity room Signature from Head of Department Telephony administrator Travel booking Vacation Web editors Wellness allowance Work environment group, Local safety representatives