
On this page you will find information on how payment of expenses is made.

Employee with coordination number or Swedish social security number (Not SINK).

  1. The HR unit at the institution creates a "minirap employment".
  2. The expense is registered in the PA-web by a Granskare or equivalent at the institution.

Employee without coordination number or Swedish social security number.

  1. The HR unit at the institution creates a "minirap employment" with a fictitious social security number.
  2. The expense is registered in the PA-web by a Granskare or equivalent at the institution.
  3. Email the account notification from Swedbank to: payroll@uf.ki.se.
    This is important for the payment to be possible.

Employee with coordination number or Swedish social security number (SINK). 

  1. The HR unit at the institution creates a "minirap employment". 
  2. The expense is registered in the PA-web by a Granskare or equivalent at the institution.
  3. Email the account notification from Swedbank and the SINK tax decision from the Swedish Tax Agency to: payroll@uf.ki.se. This is important for the payment to be possible.

The payroll unit will make the payment through Primula.


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