Digital receipts, travel and expenses
This document describes the proper processing of travel expenses and receipts.
KI has procurement agreements with various suppliers for goods and services where purchases must be made and paid for via invoice. In the first place, you must follow our procurement rules.
If, in exceptional cases, you need to make an expense that is to be reimbursed by KI, you can apply for compensation in the PA website.
The Accounts Act
When an employee has paid an expense on behalf of the authority, for example in the case of representation, the employee represents the authority, and according to the Accounts Act, the receipt is considered received by the authority at the time when the employee receives it. The receipt must be kept in its original form. If a receipt was received in paper form, it must be kept (at the department) in paper form, and if it was received in digital form, it must be kept in digital form.
Practical application of the Accounting Act at KI
In the PA web, you always upload your receipts digitally (preferably in pdf format).
If you as an employee receive a paper receipt in your role as a government official, you must submit the receipt for the relevant role at your department / equivalent for archiving.
Receipts that never need to be submitted in paper form are receipts for medical visits, medications and wellness.
Procedure for digital receipts
Scan (pdf) paper receipts for expenses to be reimbursed by the employer.
Login to the PA website.
- Select My Page and then Travel/Expenses. Select whether the expense relates to Travel Domestic, Travel International, Expenses and Car Expenses.
- Fill in the details and attach your scanned receipt (PDF format) in the message box.
- Send.
At your institution, there may be a deadline for when your expense must be registered in order for it to be processed for the next salary payment. Contact HR at your institution for more information.
Expenses must be reported as soon as possible after purchase, but no later than within three months.
Process description
Expenses and travel invoices always follow a predetermined process flow applicable to the department/equivalent. Regardless of which projects (entire KI) to which the cost should be allocated, the case follows a process flow to predetermined roles for the department.
Flow of expenses/travel expenses at department:
Explanation of roles:
- The reviewer role is often an administrator/case-handler at the department/equivalent
- The attesting role is per default the manager of the organizational unit
Expenses/travel expenses at another department
Alternative 1
A profile is created for the employee (e.g. employee at C1) as a "mini-rapper" in the Primula client at the department that will pay for the trip/expense (e.g. S1)
- The employee then selects the position at S1 in the PA website.
- The case then follows the travel/expenses process flow of S1
- It is important to select the organizational (Select other recipient if the normal workflow does not fit) unit at S1 when (manager who will approve the cost) in the PA website.
Alternative 2
Uses the process flow for travel/expenses at the department where the position is held. (e.g. employee at (C1)
The "wrong" manager will then have to approve the case, which is why it is important that receipts are e-signed by the person who will bear the cost. The signed document is then attached to the case. (PA Website)
If the affiliated person is to gain access to the PA web, the affiliated person must be registered as a “minirappare” in Primula by the department's HR unit.
- A profile is created for the affiliate) as a "mini-rapper" in the Primula client at the department that will pay for the trip/expense.
- The case then follows the travel/expenses process flow of the department
- The affiliate selects ("send to administrator at") the organizational unit where the attesting manager is located.
- It is important that the "mini-rap employment" and attesting manager belong to the same department. In other words, the affiliate selects the salary group (e.g. C2) applicable to their "mini-rap employment" if the relevant manager is located at C2.
More information for logged in staff
There is more information for those of you working in the following groups
- C7.Department of Learning, Informatics, Management and Ethics