Conditions for scholarship holders

If you are planning to carry out research at Karolinska Institutet and have your funding organized through a scholarship, there are some issues listed below to which we would like to draw your attention.

It is important to bear in mind that a scholarship is not an employment. A scholarship may be paid by KI, but more commonly it is paid by a research organisation or from a person’s home country. It follows that if you are funded by a scholarship, you are not entitled to KI´s benefits for employees such as paid vacation, parental leave or wellness allowance. If a scholarship is received in accordance with the Swedish Tax Agency´s recommendations no taxation is payable.

Insurance for foreign visitors (FUB)

All international scholarship holders and accompanying family members are covered by a group insurance policy, the Insurance for Foreign Visitors (Försäkring för Utländska Besökare, FUB). The insurance policy covers accidents, acute sickness and dental care, emergency home transportation, liability, legal rights, and property.

The FUB insurance applies 24 hours a day, for 364 days in Sweden. For people holding a Schengen visa, it applies in the whole Schengen area as well (with the exception of property coverage, which applies in Sweden only).

Although the FUB insurance consists of several parts, it is mainly a health and injury insurance. Please read the full policy conditions at Kammarkollegiet.

Health insurance for scholarship holders staying more than one year in Sweden

Access to subsidized health care in Sweden is based on residency and the social security number (personnummer). A person normally becomes a resident if he or she will be staying in Sweden for more than one year. Residents are entitled to health care on the same conditions as citizens of Sweden.

Residents are also entitled to dental care at a reduced cost; the sums are not as low as for visits to the doctor and vary from dentist to dentist.

Problems with getting the social security number can occur if you do not receive an S1 certificate from your home country. This S1 certificate shows that you are still socially insured there for at least your first year in Sweden. To avoid this, you should check if you can get an S1 certificate from your home country before you travel to Sweden. If you are not registered and receive a social security number you'll still be covered by the FUB insurance (only health and injury insurance).

In general, all students and foreign citizens who receive a Swedish social security number must themselves review their private insurance when they live in Sweden; as home insurance, private injury insurance and so on

Health insurance for scholarship holders staying less than one year in Sweden

EU/EEA citizens Visitors staying for less than 12 months who are citizens of EU/EEA countries or Switzerland are entitled to medically necessary health care from a public health care provider in Sweden, provided they have a European Health Insurance Card (EHIC). Visitors are advised to bring their EHIC card when going to the doctor. Please note that EU/EEA citizens are not entitled to planned health care. Dental care is not included, apart from a limited amount for emergency dental care.

Please note that you should not sign out of the EHIC insurance if you are an EU citizen.

EU/EEA citizens who do not qualify for the European health insurance card in their home country are covered by KI´s FUB insurance (see above).

Citizens from countries outside of the EU/EEA If you are a citizen from a non-EU/EEA country, the FUB insurance will cover costs for necessary health care during your stay in Sweden.

Health insurance for family members

Accompanying family members are covered by the FUB insurance.

Health insurance when going abroad on business

You should bring your European Health Insurance Card, if you have one, when travelling to another EU/EEA country. You may also be covered by KI´s State Business Travel Insurance. Please ask your host department for what applies in your case.

Welfare benefits

Scholarship holders are not entitled to employment-based welfare benefits from the Social Insurance Agency (Försäkringskassan), such as sick pay. If a scholarship holder is registered as a resident and has a personal identity number, he or she may be entitled to residence-based benefits. Please note that residence-based benefits do not apply to doctoral students with scholarships, only to doctoral students with doctoral study grants(utbildningsbidrag). Since it is the Swedish Social Insurance Agency that makes the assessment, we can also not guarantee that postdoctoral scholarship holders receive resident based benefits (in case they are considered to be students). Residence-based benefits include child allowance, parental benefit at base level and housing allowance.

Loss of income of you fall ill for a long period of time or if you become a parent

Loss of income if you fall ill for a long period of time is normally not covered by your scholarship. Because you are not employed, you cannot receive sick pay from KIor sickness benefit from the Social Insurance Agency (Försäkringskassan). However, doctoral students with scholarships are covered by ‘Health and parental insurance for doctoral students with scholarships. The insurance applies when the doctoral student’s scholarship is reduced due to his/her absence from studies in the case of illness or parental leave. The insurance consists of three parts: sickness benefits, parental benefits and temporary parental benefits. Please note that the insurance

does not apply to postdoctoral scholarship holders. Please read the full policy conditions at Kammarkollegiet.


If you are a Swedish resident (i.e., you have a Swedish personal identity number), maternity care, such as check-ups during pregnancy, is free of charge. Other costs, such as costs in connection with childbirth, are about the same as a visit to the doctor. If you are not a resident of Sweden, the FUB insurance pays for necessary and reasonable costs for emergency care in connection with giving birth, miscarriage, or other serious complications prior to the end of the 28th week of pregnancy. With respect to giving birth before the end of the 28th week of pregnancy, necessary and reasonable costs for care of the mother and the child will be paid for a period not exceeding 90 days. Other costs for care in connection with pregnancy or childbirth are not paid. Find out more about the Swedish medical system and health care.

Occupational health service

Doctoral and postdoctoral students with scholarships are entitled to occupational health service, even if they are not employed.

KI has agreements with Avonova for occupational health services, meaning that employees/doctoral and postdoctoral students on scholarships can visit them for work-related problems. Visits to the occupational health services are free of charge. You are entitled to two visits per year; if you need more visits, these must be approved by your manager. All visits require an appointment, more information can be found on KI:s webiste,

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