For staff at MedH
Here you can find operating information, news, calendar events and information you need for your daily work as employees and affiliates at the Department of Medicine, Huddinge (MedH).
Currently at the Department of Medicine, Huddinge (MedH)
News and operating information for MedH, ANA Futura and Neo
Calendar for MedH, ANA Futura and Neo
MedH Research news

Guide to MedH communication channels
Here you can find a short overview of the MedH channels for communication, with a focus on internal communication. This includes the MedH Newsletter, For staff at MedH - on the KI Staff portal, digital information screens around campus, e-mail, including some of the most frequently used shared mailboxes, Management group meetings and department meetings and MedH at ki.se.

For staff in ANA Futura
If you are located in the ANA Futura research building, you can find support and updates here.

For staff in Neo
If you are located in the Neo research building, you can find support and updates here.

About KI South Core facilities
Here you can find a list of the Core facilities available at KI Campus Flemingsberg.

Centre for Bioinformatics and Biostatistics (CBB)
CBB is a partner for research groups located at KI Campus Flemingsberg with a need for assistance on bioinformatics or biostatistics.

The office includes 6 units:

Use social media to advertise for research subjects!
The Communications and Public Relations Office at KI offers support with designing and sharing ads for research subjects in social media.

Sustainable development
Here you can read about KI:s work with Agenda 2030 based on the UN 17 sustainable development goals (SDG's), and get tips and ideas on how you can contribute to a sustainable development.

Health Promotion
Here you can find information about the health promotion at KI and useful tips and tools for physical wellbeing and a healthy life.