Process for drawing up agreements for the transfer of personal data
When transferring personal data between KI and another organization, an agreement may be needed.
When transferring personal data between KI and another organization, an agreement may be needed.
When information is disclosed from the health service after a confidentiality check, an agreement on the transfer of personal data does not need to be drawn up.
At KI, the process of drawing up agreements concerning personal data consists of 4 steps:

1. The researcher contacts the Research Data Office for assistance with the assessment of the transfer of personal data
Contact the Research Data Office (RDO) for assistance with assessment of the personal data transfer and at the same time attach the following documentation / info:
- Copy of your application to the Ethics Review Authority (EPM), including any additions, and EPM's decision.
- If it is relevant, a copy of the information to the study participants and consent documents.
- Brief description of the research project (how it should be carried out in practice).
- Answers to the questions in the questionnaire below.
The Research Data Office reviews all documents and provides feedback to the researcher.
2. Assessment of personal data responsibility
There are different types of agreements depending on what the relationship between the parties looks like.
Therefore, the relationship between the party transferring the data and the party receiving the data must be determined.
If there is any doubt about the relationship between the parties, KI's data protection officer is consulted.
(In that case, RDO takes contact with the data protection officer.)
If personal data is processed within KI, this must be reported to KI's data protection officer.
Data protection officer at KI
3. Agreement is written and signed
When the assessment of the personal data transfer and personal data responsibility have been completed, the researcher receives the appropriate agreement template to be used from RDO.
If RDO does not have access to a suitable template, RDO will contact the contract lawyers.
The agreement is written / filled in with the help of the contract lawyers.
If necessary, the contract lawyers can help to draw up or review a main agreement that further regulates the assignment or cooperation.
The signing of an agreement must follow the delegation procedure at each department at KI. The head of department (or equivalent) signs the agreement on behalf of KI.
Contract lawyers can be reached at:
4. Signed agreement is registered
If any questions arise regarding registration of agreements, the KI registrator can be contacted.