You are needed in KI's work for sustainable development
Our goal is to halve our greenhouse gas emissions by 2030. Everyone at KI can contribute by making good choices when you travel, plan procurements, events and waste management. Here you can find practical help to make your daily work more sustainable.
How you can contribute to making KI more sustainable

Plan for sustainable events and conferences
Use our guide and checklists to make your events more sustainable.

Green travels
Travel by train instead of flying and choose public transport or bicycle for your daily travels.

There are well equipped facilities for recycling all kinds of waste at KI. Make sure to use them!

Life cycle management service for computers
Life cycle management service of computers gives you a lower cost and benefits for the environment and climate.

Reuse lab and office equipment
Use our web service to buy and sell lab and office equipment within KI.

Set environmental requirements for purchasing and procurement
If you need assistance, contact the Unit for purchase and public procurement.
Tools and inspiration

Emma Swärdh receives KI’s Sustainability Award
KI has presented this year’s sustainability award to Assistant Senior Lecturer Emma Swärdh for her dedication and leadership in the field of sustainable development. Created in 2023, the award was presented at KI’s Sustainability Day for the second time.

Follow-up on air travel
Each year, a comprehensive follow-up is conducted on the trips made using various modes of transport such as car, train, bus, and air travel. The statistics are included, among other things, in KI’s environmental management report to the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency.
Stefi Barna on integrating sustainability in education

Getting started with the SDGs at KI: Take the web course
Learn more about the Agenda 2030, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and how each of us can contribute!
The course includes activities, videos, quizzes and discussions.

Use Agenda 2030 when teaching
Find resources from the Teaching and Learning Unit to integrate sustainable development and other aspects of Agenda 2030 in the curriculum you teach.

KI’s top climate culprits are purchasing and travel
An audit of KI’s greenhouse gas emissions reveals that the greatest volumes come from the purchase of goods and official travel. KI is now upping its climate game in several areas.
How we work at KI with environment, climate and sustainable development

Sustainability and education

KI's sustainability award
The aim of KI's sustainability award is to celebrate and inspire continued and new actions for sustainable development at KI.
For KI to succeed in reducing its environmental and climate impact, work and commitment is required from everyone who works or studies at KI. Employees with special responsibilities are available to facilitate, help and inspire the work with a sustainable campus.