Claim to right of priority to re-employment

This page is aimed at you who want to claim right of priority to re-employment according to the applicable rules in the Employment Protection Act.
Please read the information below to see if you meet the requirements to be qualified to apply.

This page is aimed at you who want to claim right of priority to re-employment according to the applicable rules in 25 § and 27 § of lagen (1982:80) om anställningsskydd (LAS) [in English‐ the Employment Protection Act]. A condition for the right of priority is that you have been employed by Karolinska Institutet, on a permanent contract or according to 5 § LAS for a total of more than twelve months over the past three years (a specific temporary employment (SÄVA) gives a preferential right of re-employment to a new SÄVA after SÄVA for a total of more than nine months in a three-year period) and has the appropriate qualifications for the position. A further condition is that the termination of employment is due to shortage of work or that your fixed term employment has not been prolonged.

The right of priority applies from the time of cessation of employment or from the time of notification according to 15 § 1 st (LAS) and for nine months from the last day of employment.

The stipulation of the Constitution [in Swedish‐ “regeringsformen”] that only objective factors, such as merit and competence, shall be taken into account for appointments to posts within the State administration takes precedence over the right of priority for reemployment.

The right of priority does not apply if your employment has been set to a fixed term according the rules in the Higher Education Ordinance (chapter 4, section 10) regarding employment of Teachers in the Arts. Please see the section Grounds for time limitation on your employment contract.


If you have questions, please don’t hesitate to contact your HR Officer.

How to apply?

Please apply by pressing the link below (Link to Varbi). Your application will be registered in our recruitment system. You will answer a number of selection questions. If you have no user ID in our recruitment system you will be offered to create one. In the application you will also attach a current CV so that we can consider your qualifications for re-employment.

Link to Varbi

Content reviewer:
Åsa Agréus