The TA Fund

The fund for grants for congresses/conferences for technical and administrative staff at Karolinska Institutet. Doctoral students, staff with PhD or staff with managerial positions are not eligible to apply.

Next application deadline

15th October 2024

Application criteria

If you want to attend a congress or conference, you can apply for grants from the TA Fund.  The purpose of the Fund is to promote and stimulate skills development for TA staff.

  • Those who are eligible to apply are permanent employees of the Karolinska Institutet who are part of the technical/administrative staff group  (TA staff). Registered PhD students, PhD staff and staff with managerial positions are not eligible to apply.
  • Grants can be made for up to half the total cost (not for sustenance and accommodation allowance) but to a maximum of SEK 10,000.
  • Grants are made under the condition that the institution will cover the remaining costs. 
  • Grants are not given for courses.


  • All documents must be sent via e-mail to
  • The application must be submitted to the Decision Board in advance on a special form. Refer to the document at the bottom of the page.
  • An incomplete application will not be processed
  • Application deadlines: February 15, May 15, October 15.
  • The time at which the congress/conference will take place must be after each respective application date.
  • The Decision Board will meet approximately one week after the deadline. A decision will then be announced. You cannot be given a grant for a conference or congress that takes place during this period

The following information must be completed:

  • Applicant name and title
  • Doctoral student or have a PhD?
  • Institution and workplace address
  • Email address
  • Name and time for the event
  • Purpose of participation
  • Attached program
  • Information about whether you will be presenting anything at the event
  • Calculations for estimated costs
  • Email address to financial accountant
  • Certification with justification from research manager/head of unit
  • Confirmation that the institution will cover the remaining costs
  • E-signature of applicant and head of department

Ensure that all information is included in your application. An incomplete application will not be included in the selection.


  • The financial report must be received by email within two months after the congress/conference has been held.
  • Attach all copies of receipts.
  • The application and report with attachments must be submitted for each individual.

Facts and history

The fund for TA staff was established at Karolinska Institutet in 1988/89 following a request from the ST-ATF Section 03 of the Swedish Union of Civil Servants at Karolinska Institutet.

The purpose of the fund is to provide grants to promote and stimulate skills development for TA staff.

A decision board will make a decision regarding the distribution of funds. The Board consists of two members of Karolinska Institutet and three representatives from the Swedish Union of Civil Servants.

Application and reporting forms

More information for logged in staff

There is more information for those of you working in the following groups

  • K1.Department of Molecular Medicine and Surgery
Log in with KI-ID