The TA Fund
The TA Fund has been cancelled following a decision by the employer. This means that the previous form of applying for funds for conferences and congresses via the fund is no longer possible.
Those who have previously been granted a decision must submit a financial report no later than two months after the conference/congress in accordance with the previous procedure. Read more below
The need for financing of participation in conferences and congresses is discussed and secured in dialogue between the employee and the immediate manager, for example at regular reviews and performance appraisals.
Decision (in Swedish)
Beslut om avveckling av TA-fonden (PDF, 201.92 KB)
- The financial report must be submitted within two months of the congress/conference by e-mail to
- The financial report consists of an accounting form, which can be downloaded below, including all copies of receipts in a single document
- The report with attachments must be made per individual
Reporting form TA fund (Word, 61.41 KB)