
Whether you are an employee, affiliate, grant holder, student, research subject or trainee, you are covered by personal insurance through your work at KI. On this page you can read about the personal insurance policies that you are automatically covered by in your role at KI, the insurance terms, as well as volontary insurance policies available.

Insurance for employees

KI has occupational group life insurance by SPV and a voluntary group insurance agreement by Skandia. Business travel insurance is administered by Kammarkollegiet, as is the URA insurance for those posted abroad. 

Occupational injury insurance is administered by Försäkringskassan and as an employee you are also covered by PSA insurance by AFA Försäkring. 

Group life insurance (TGL)

As a government employee you are insured through Tjänstegruppliv (TGL), an occupational group life insurance policy from SPV. The policy provides economic protection for your spouse, registered partner, cohabitant and children. The insurance is valid from the day you arrive at your workplace and as long as you are employed, until the age of 65. It is also valid when you are on vacation or sick leave.

Employees who have reached the age of 65 and who remain uninterrupted employed are covered by the insurance.

The insurance ends the day after you have ended your employment after turning 65. 

In the event of death, it is the SPV that receives notification of the death from the Swedish Tax Agency (Skatteverket) and contacts the survivors, so that they can apply for survivor's pension and occupational group life insurance. 

Survivor's pension - employed

If an employee has left government employment and dies within three months, a survivor's pension is available to the family. The survivor's pension only applies if the employee has not found a new job with similar benefits.  

Survivor's pension - after retirement

If a pensioner who has been a government employee dies, the surviving family may be entitled to a survivor's pension. The survivor's pension is valid until the pensioner reaches the age of 75. If the pensioner dies after reaching the age of 75, it does not apply.

TGL does not apply on employees who have ended their employment after reaching the age of 65 and who are re-employed later on. 

PSA - Occupational injury insurance for government employees

As an employee at KI, you are automatically covered by the PSA insurance, which is an occupational injury insurance if you should suffrer a personal injury at the workplace or when traveling directly to your home (travel accident). If you suffer a personal injury, you must report this to both Afa Försäkring (only in Swedish) and Försäkringskassan

If, in connection with the injury, you have incurred costs for hospital treatment, medicines, travel to and from hospital, damage on clothes and glasses, it is important that you always save original receipts to be sent to AFA insurance. For more information, read the brief decription of Afa Insurance.

PSA insurance also applies if the employee performs work at home and the injury is work-related. Home means where you are registered, but also if the employee has a second remote workplace. In the latter case, the employer must have given the employee's consent to perform work at a second remote workplace, as appropriate, in an individual agreement on remote work. 

Business travel insurance

KI has an agreement with Kammarkollegiet regarding service insurance. The administration at your institution can issue a digital certificate that shows that you are covered by KI:s business travel insurance. Please save your digital certificate on your phone or computer and take it with you on the business trip. On the certificate you will find the telephone number of Falck Global Assistans, who will guide you if anything should happen.

For travel to EU/EEA countries, you should take the European Health Insurance Card with you, which you can order from Försäkringskassan. Don't forget to check the validity of the card before you travel.

The business travel insurance provides coverage for all domestic and international business trips on behalf of KI. The cover applies throughout the entire period of absence from the place of employement or residence where the mission begins or ends. 

Diners Club TAC travel insurance 

When you book a trip and accommodation through KI:s contracted travel agency AMEX-GBT, you are covered by Diners Club TAC travel insurance, which is managed by Moderna Försäkringar. If you want to know more about their terms and conditions, you can find the pdf Diners Club TAC Travel Insurance Terms and Conditions at the bottom of this page.

If you have questions about the insurance or want to make a claim, please contact Moderna Försäkringar.
Contact: 010 - 219 12 90 or 

Report damage

Karolinska Institutet travel insurance 

Information and summary of KI:s travel insurance policies.

Voluntary group insurance via Skandia

KI has an agreement with Skandia insurance company to offer voluntary group insurance. This insurance requires you to have an employment at KI and a social security number. The insurance includes life- and health insurance, security capital, accident insuranse and child insurance. You apply at Skandia. For some insurance policies, you may need to make a health declaration.

For more information

You can read about KI:s group insurance policies and how much they cost at Skandias website (only in Swedish) and by signing in at Skandia. 

Sign in at Skandia

  • Log in at Skandia's website with your mobile bank ID and enter the received SMS code
  • Log in to KI:s voluntary group insurance agreement by entering agreement number 16142 and control code 6708. 

Once you have entered Skandia’s website you will find detailed information about the various group of insurance policies.

URA insurance

URA insurance is for those who are posted abroad on a URA contract. It includes personal injury cover (including accidents) that applies 24 hours a day as a posted worker.   

KI has a group insurance policy for everyone posted under the URA contract. The URA group insurance also includes insurance for maternity and childbirth. Contact your local HR to obtain these e-signed certificates. These certificates outline what is included in the URA insurance and for maternity care and delivery.

Read more about the URA contract

Health care costs for employees, students and affiliates who do not have an EU card and come from outside the EU

Emergency medical and dental care

All employees, students and affiliated persons who do not have a Swedish social security number are covered by KI:s insurance for emergency medical and dental care for a maximum of 90 days. Applications are made to Kammarkollegiet, which decides on the amount of compensation.

Visits to medical centers and primary care 

Employees, students and associated persons from the Nordic countries, EU citizens with an EU card and certain countries with which Sweden has agreements pay the same fees as Swedish citizens.

Employees, students and affiliated persons who do not have an EU card or come from outside the EU (third country) must pay their own costs for visits to medical centers and primary care according to the tariff that applies in Region Stockholm, see more information from 1177 Region Stockholm below.  For this group, it is recommended that you take out your own insurance from your home country that covers non-emergency medical care.

Healthcare in region Stockholm - 1177

Insurance cover and conditions for grant holders

Work-based benefits

If you work in Sweden, you are generally insured for work-based benefits, such as: 

  • parental benefit during pregnancy
  • parental benefit at sickness benefit level and basic level
  • temporary parental allowance
  • income-based old age pension
  • sickness benefit and more.

The work-based benefits are all intended to cover some form of income loss and their amount depends on the income you have or have had. As scholarship holders do not have paid employment in Sweden, they cannot be covered by the work-based benefits. 

Residence-based benefits

If you live in Sweden for more than one year, you are generally insured for residence-based benefits, such as:

  • parental allowance at the minimum and basic levels
  • child benefit
  • maintenance support
  • housing allowance
  • reimbursement for certain dental care and more.

You are entitled to these benefits if you are insured in Sweden, which you are if you live here and do not work in another country. To determine whether you live in Sweden, Försäkringskassan considers, among other things, how you live, from which country you get your income, how long you will be in Sweden and how often you visit other countries. It is also important where family members live. You cannot be insured in Sweden and an EU/EEA country or Switzerland at the same time. 

Doctoral students with scholarships are not considered to be resident in Sweden (according to Chapter 5, Section 8 of the Social Insurance Code) and are therefore not entitled to residence-based benefits. However, KI has taken out an insurance policy for doctoral students through Kammarkollegiet. 

The scholarship holder's arrival in Sweden

When the scholarship holder arrives in Sweden, it is important to check the current insurance from their home country that applies during their stay at KI. This may be insurance from the university they come from, their own private insurance or, as for EU members, a European Health Insurance Card (EHIC).

KI shall encourage scholarship holders to keep the insurance from their home country, even if it means a monthly cost for the scholar in the form of premiums. If there is no insurance coverage from the home country, proof that the fellow is uninsured must be presented.

Scholarship holders who stay in Sweden for more than one year, regardless of their citizenship, must register in Sweden and apply for a Swedish personal identity number from the Swedish Tax Agency (Skatteverket). When you are assigned a Swedish social security number, you are covered by Swedish health care benefits. Scholarship holders then have access to fully subsidized medical and dental care, i.e. only pay patient fees.

Before a social security number is assigned, and when the scholarship holder is staying for less than a year, certain insurance policies can be taken out depending on the country from which the scholarship holder comes.

Insurance for grant holders staying for less than a year

The EU card, EHIC
Scholarship holders from the EU must have a valid EU card, EHIC, within the EU/EEA or Switzerland.

The EU card entitles the scholar to medical and dental care while in Sweden, which:

  • cannot wait until they return to their home country
  • the scholarship holder receives from healthcare providers affiliated to the public healthcare system in Sweden.

Care that cannot wait until return to the home country means not only emergency care, but also care caused by chronic disease. Such care includes tests and medical check-ups.

With the EU card, the grant holder pays the same amount for medical and dental care as those living in Sweden. Therefore, the scholarship holder pays the patient fee.

Insurance for foreign visitors, FUB

FUB applies to foreign visitors, inclusive fellows, who have a connection to KI:s activities and stay here for less than a year (ie lacking a Swedish social security number). The insurance is only valid for 364 days.

FUB is taken out as a group insurance that applies around the clock in Sweden and during travel that takes place directly between the home country and Sweden. The insurance does not apply if the insured person is in their home country. The insurance also applies in the Schengen area if the insured has a Schengen visa.

The insurance covers emergency medical and dental care and home transport to the home country if necessary. The insurance does not cover regular checks or medications for illnesses that have occurred before the trip.

The insurance contains invalidity and death capital. In the event of an accidental injury leading to medical disability, an invalidity capital is paid in relation to the medical degree of disability. If the accidental injury leads to death within three years, a basic amount is paid to the estate.

The insurance also includes a liability cover if someone claims the visitor for damages for something the visitor did during the visit. It also contains a legal protection if the visitor claims someone for damages.

In addition, the insurance includes a property protection if the visitor gets rid of his private property during the visit. In the event of damage to property, the deductible is always 1500 SEK.

The FUB insurance is extended

KI has now expanded the insurance for foreign visitors (FUB) with following two changes: 

  • that FUB includes employees at KI who are awaiting a Swedish social security number from the Swedish Tax Agency (Skatteverket). 
  • that FUB, where applicable, also includes family members such as spouses/partners and children of invited foreign visitors (including scholarship holders) and afflicates. By visitor is meant a person who participates in KI:s activities, but who is not employed. 

Please note that FUB only covers for emergency medical or dental care and for a maximum period of 90 days. It covers medical care for symptoms or illnesses that the insured person has had before traveling to Sweden. It is important that third-country nationals have private insurance cover when arriving in Sweden and that EU citizens have their EHEC (EU) card with them.

Student IN collection

The Student IN collection insurance applies to admitted exchange students who study, research or practice in Sweden according to an agreement between KI and a foreign university or college. By assumed is meant registered in LADOK.

From 2020-02-01, the group insurance also applies to external students such as Erasmus students, doctoral students or trainees who are to study or practice in Sweden without being registered in LADOK and when there is no written agreement between higher education institutions.

This means that the Student IN collection covers all categories of students at KI and that the institution should not take out an individual Student IN insurance policy. 

The insurance applies: 

  • 24/7
  • During the scholarshop holder´s journey between the home country and Sweden, during the entire period of study, as well as two weeks before the start of studies and two weeks after the end of studies 
  • During the summer vacation, if the scholarshop holder continues to study at the college/university after the summer vacation 
  • In the entire Schengen area, provided that the scholarship holder has a valid Schengen visa issued by Swedish authority abroad (but property protection only applies in Sweden). If the scholarship holder has a residence permit, the insurance only applies in Sweden. 

The insurance does not apply if the scholar is in their home country. 

The insurance covers emergency medical and dental care and repatriation to the home country if necessary. The insurance does not cover regular check-ups or medication for illnesses that have occurred before the trip. The insurance also includes liability coverage in case someone claims damages against the scholar. For example, a landlord may claim compensation for damage caused to the scholarship holder's home during the insurance period. In this case, the insurancce can help the grantee with legal support and compensate them for the damages. The insurance also includes legal protection if it is the scholarship holder who claims damages from someone else.

As long as the scholarship holder is in Sweden, the insurance also applies to their belongings. This means that the scholarshop holder can seek compensation if their belongings are broken or stolen. In the event of damage to property, the deductible is always SEK 1,500. Otherwise, the insurance applies without deductible.  

Read more information about Insurance for international students.

Personal injury insurance for students 

The insurance covers students and doctoral students at colleges and universities. The insurance applies in Sweden during school hours and during direct travel between the home and the place where the school hours are spent. School time means all the time within the school premises and area and when the student participates in activities under the auspices of KI. The insurance does not apply when the stay is a leisure activity arranged by someone other than KI. 

In the event of personal injury by accident or illness by infection, compensation for personal injury is paid in accordance with Chapter 5 of the Tort Liability Act (1972:207) as if a liability for damages had existed. With regard to compensation for loss of income, the rules on calculation of the annuity base in Chapter 41 apply 8-18 §§ Social Insurance Code (2010:110). 

If either a personal injury through an accident or a disease through infection leads to death within three years of the injury, a basic amount is paid to the estate - in addition to any amounts already paid. If the deceased have children who have not attained the age of 18 years at the time of death, three basic amounts shall be paid to each such child and three basic amounts to the other parent of such a child as a beneficiary of accident insurance, in addition to the compensation for loss of maintenance referred to in the first paragraph, provided that the other parent is, or by reason of the death becomes, a guardian. 


Student OUT insurance terms have changed from 210701

The insurance terms for Student OUT have changed from 210701, as the insurance no longer will apply if the Ministry of Foreign Affairs advises against travel to a specific part of a country, the validity is limited to that part of the country only.

If new countries/parts of a country are added on the Ministry of Foreign Affairs' list of travel advisories, students who are in these areas have 30 calendar days to return to Sweden. After that, the Student OUT insurance ceases. 

Read more about the insurance on Kammarkollegiet webpage

If you want to receive current and continuous information about which countries that are on the Ministry of Foreign Affairs advice against travel list, you can subscribe at via email/advice against from travel. 

Insurance coverage for scholarship holders

Information about Insurance coverage for scholarship holders.

Insurance for scholarship holders staying for more than one year

Special personal injury protection, SPS

The SPS insurance is valid during the time the scholar participates in activities/missions, when the scholar is on the way to or from activities, provided that you travel directly without stopping along the way. In the event of a traffic accident, you are insted covered by the vehicle's traffic insurance. 

Compensation is paid for, among other things, the following:

  • Sweat and pain if the grantee has acute problems in connection with the injury
  • Pain and suffering if the recipient has scars or permanent problems (example: compensation is paid if a tooth is lost)
  • Necessary costs for doctor's visits and medicines within the high-cost cover that are not covered by other insurance policies 
  • Loss of income if the scholar is on sick leave due to the injury 
  • Sickness and parental insurance for doctoral students with scholarships
  • Scholarships do not count as sickness-related income for the Swedish Social Insurance Agency (Försäkringskassan) 
  • Doctoral students who finance their studies with a scholarshop can therefore not apply for parental allowance or sickness benefit from Försäkringskassan. Instead, they can apply for compensation from Kammarkollegiet. 

The level of compensation is calculated on the basis of the size of the scholarshop according to the same principle as the Swedish Social Insurance Agency had calculated compensation for salary. In this way, the scholarship is sufficient for the entire doctoral period, even if it is delayed due to illness or parental leave. 

In case of illness, the following applies:

  • Scholarship holders are entitled to sickness benefit if their ability to work is reduced by at least a quarter
  • The grant holder can receive sickness benefit for 25, 50, 75 or 100 percent of a day
  • If the grant holder is on sick leave for more than seven consecutive days, a medical certificate is required 
  • If the scholar is on sick leave for a longer period, the scholar applies for compensation for the entire period in Kammarkollegiet's e-service
  • If the scholarship holder is temporarily ill, the scholar sends an e-mail to Kammarkollegiet on the day as falling ill or at the latest following day and reports sick. 

The following applies to parental leave: 

  • Parental benefit is paid for 480 days for one child. Of these, the allowance is based on the child's grant for 390 days. For the other 90 days, the allowance is SEK 180 per day. 
  • The scholarship holder can apply for parental allowance for 25, 50, 75 or 100 percent of a day.
  • When the grant holder knows they will be on parental leave for a longer period, the grant holder applies for compensation. 

For temporary parental leave or childcare (VAB), the following applies:

  • Scholarship holders can apply for compensation for temporary parental leave when they are at home for childcare (VAB) or in connection with the birth or adoption of a child.
  • The grant holder can also take temporary parental leave when a child has died.
  • The grant holder can apply for compensation for temporary parental leave for 25, 50, 75 or 100 percent of a day.
  • If they are at home with a sick child, a medical certificate is required after 7 days. 
  • Temporary parental leave can be taken for maximum of 120 days per child per year. 

Scholarship holders at undergraduate and graduate level 

Scholarship holders at undergraduate or graduate level who are admitted to higher education at KI or another institution are covered by Student IN. 

Postgraduate scholarship holders

Doctoral students enrolled at KI are covered by SPS. This insurance provides protection equivalent to the protection that employees have in case of occupational injuries.

The insurance applies when the doctoral student has registered in Sweden and been assigned a Swedish social security number. Before that, the insurance policies that exist for scholarship holders who have stayed here for less than a year, such as FUB but also the EU card, EHIC, apply.

In addition to the above personal injury insurance, Kammarkollegiet's health and parental insurance applies as an annual, mandatory group insurance for all doctoral students regardless of whether they are registered and assigned a Swedish social security number or have stayed in Sweden for less than a year. 

KI continues to pay supplementary grants during the absence, Kammarkollegiet reimburses the period extended due to the absence. 

Information on how to report an absence can be found on Kammarkollegiet's website.

Postdoctoral scholarships

Postdoctoral researchers who have been in Sweden for less than a year and have not been assigned a Swedish social security number are covered by the FUB insurance and the EU card, EHIC.

Postdocs who have been resident in Sweden for more than one year and have been assigned a Swedish social security number are covered by SPS. 

Postdocs with grants can apply for residence-based benefits from Försäkringskassan. Entitlement to benefits based on residence in Sweden is decided by Försäkringskassan. 

Other conditions

Accident insurance during leisure time

It is the scholarship holder's responsibility to take out private accident insurance during their stay in Sweden.

Those who are covered by the FUB insurance have some accident insurance and property protection. FUB also reimburses necessary and reasonable additional costs for transportation to the home country of the insured because the insured has suffered a serious illness or extensive personal injury during the insurance period. 

It the scholar is covered by the Student IN insurance, there is property protection during the entire insurance period in Sweden and repatriation to the home country in the event that the scholar suffers serious illness or extensive personal injury during the insurance period. The same applies to repatriation of the deceased. 

If the scholar has a Swedish social security number, most insurance companies offer accident insurance that can be taken out during the stay in Sweden. 

Life insurance

The scholarship holder is responsible for taking out private life insurance during their stay in Sweden.

More information for logged in staff

There is more information for those of you working in the following groups

  • K8.Department of Clinical Neuroscience
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