The performance appraisal process at KI (former Performange Management Process 2)

The appraisal process is part of the systematic work environment management and KI's efforts to follow up and ensure the quality and results of the organisation at the individual level. 

What does the process entail? 

This is a dialogue-based process that extends over the year. It consists of two different interviews, where the first interview, "Goal and development review", (Performance Appraisal 1, PA1) is usually held during Q1 and the second interview, "Performance and salary review", (Performance Appraisal 2, PA2) is held during Q4, depending on the timing of business planning, budget, and salary revision.  

Illustrator: Ia Gustafsson Wallgren

What are performance appraisals? 

It is a structured dialogue between line manager and employee that focuses on clarifying objectives and expected performance. The purpose of the dialogue is to monitor work, adjust direction, manage changes and ambitions, and set salaries. In the dialogue, you can discuss what sustainable career development means and how you work to create an optimal work environment. The dialogue is also part of a process to retain and develop talented employees in both the short and long term. 

What is performance appraisal 1 - Goal and development review? 

The first appraisal is usually held at the beginning of the year. It is based on the salary criteria and involves a dialogue about the plan for the year. You clarify ambitions, goals and expected results and agree on what is required from both sides for the employee to achieve the goals. In this dialogue, you can discuss what sustainable career development means and how you work to create a stimulating and sustainable work situation.  

What is performance appraisal 2 - Salary review? 

The second employee dialogue should be conducted in connection with the salary review. Here you jointly evaluate how things have gone for the employee and discuss how the result lives up to the objectives as agreed in the first interview. The evaluation is linked to salary setting and is based on the salary criteria. Read more about salary setting and appraisal 2 here and the salary criteria in KI's salary policy "Salary as an instrument of control".  

Who is included in the appraisal process? 

All employees are included in the appraisal process. However, target groups who do not have a regular salary do not have a salary review (MS2). Instead, they can have a conversation about "goals and development" and/or a customized conversation specifically designed for doctoral students, called "WE-dialogue" (Work Environment- dialogue), where the focus is on the individual's conditions, situation, work environment, work engagement, etc. See support document "WE-dialogue".

Why do we have employee dialogues at KI? 

Committed, competent and healthy employees are a cornerstone for KI to continue to develop and maintain its position as a leading medical university. Creating optimal conditions for the work environment and ensuring good results at the individual level is therefore a crucial cornerstone for the quality of the organisation. 

By discussing how each employee can achieve both their own and the organisation's overall strategies and ambitions, the performance appraisal contributes to a trusting platform for development.  

It also lays the foundation for employees to understand their role in the whole, but also the link between performance, results and salary. Here you also talk about how the employee can build a sustainable working day with a good balance between work and recovery. 

Support and tools 

Training courses 

KI offers managers courses in Performance Appraisal dialogue 1 and Salary review, dialogue 2.

Sign up for the spring workshop in Performance Appraisal 1

Programmes and courses for managers and HR professionals


Below, you can find more information about the performance management dialogues. You also find templates that provide additional support in the form of suggested questions to ask during the performance management dialogue 1. The questions are linked to the salary criteria for each occupational category.