General regulations - employment

A contract of employment may be for a permanent or a temporary position. Rules about fixed-term employment are set out in the Employment Protection Act (LAS), the Employment Ordinance (AF), the Higher Education Ordinance (HF) and in central collective agreements.

Villkorsavtal (Central collective agreements on pay and benefits)

The Villkorsavtal agreement (on pay and benefits) applies to employees of government authorities. There are three different versions, Villkorsavtal for employees who are members of OFR/S,P,O, Villkorsavtal for employees who are members of Seko and Villkorsavtal-T for employees who are members of Saco-S. Unorganized employees are also covered by Villkorsavtalet. KI has also signed a local agreement in accordance with the Villkorsavtal.

Payment of salaries

Salaries are paid via Swedbank on the 25th of every month. If this date falls on a Saturday, the salary is paid on the previous Friday, and if it falls on a Sunday, the salary is paid on the following Monday. The employee must register the account that the salary is to be paid into on Swedbank´s website, but no later than the 10th of the month. The salary/remuneration will then be transferred to the registered account. If you have not registered your bank account with Swedbank, you will receive your salary and other remunerations through a money order that will be sent home to your address. The salary specification is available on the PA-web:

Register account number with Swedbank (in Swedish)

Salary setting

KI has a salary policy which entails the setting of salaries individually and in a clear manner. The salary is set for new employees and during salary reviews. During the term of the agreement the salary is only changed when necessary, e.g. when there has been a significant change in the work content.

For more information, see Salary as a management tool.


Notice of termination of employment given by employee or employer shall be in writing. When the employee gives notice the period of notice is based upon how long they have been employed. If the employee has been employed one year or less, the period of notice is one month. If the employee has been employed more than one 5 year, the period of notice is two months. Employees who are 68 years or older, the period of notice is one month. When notice is given by the employer, the periods of notice are as set out in LAS, Villkorsavtalet and Avtal om omställning.

For more information see Termination of employment.

Service certificate and testimonial

On request, the department issues a certificate of service (tjänstgöringsintyg) at KI. This certificate contains details of all employment at KI: the position, unit, duration of employment and scope of duties. If the employment has been for a long period of time(normally at least six months), the employee normally receives a testimonial (tjänstgöringsbetyg), which contains details of the employment, what the duties have involved and an appraisal of how they have been performed. The testimonial is issued by the employee’s immediate manager.

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