Employee surveys at KI

Since 2007, KI has conducted five major employee surveys for managers and employees.

In the most recent, in 2017, the response rate was 80%, (n = 4490) which is good for being able to draw general conclusions for the overall action work. Each working group works with measures for their own results. The department/equivalent works with more general activities. The central HR Office conducts KI joint activities that have a bearing on the result. You can find the results for the 2017 survey under "Documents" below.

The sixth survey was planned to be conducted in September 2020, but it will be moved forward, most likely to Q1 2021. This is due to several reasons e.g. that the current corona situation has led to rapid changes that cannot be captured in the standardized questionnaire and that there is a risk of a low response rate which makes it impossible to draw general conclusions.

In the autumn of 2020, KI also plans to launch a battery of less extensive "temperature measurements" extracted from the large employee survey. This is so that KI's operations easily will be able to monitor and follow up on work environment areas that are considered particularly important for health and production. Examples of areas are "Balance", "Sleep", "Effective groups", and "Leadership".

If you have any questions about the KI work with employee surveys, please contact Anna Kilander at the HR Office.


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Anna Kilander

Development Officer
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