Working from abroad (URA-contract)
Applies to employees at KI who will be stationed abroad after the employer's decision. Please see checklist for employees below in "Documents". Information and forms for HR, see HR-support.
Below is a brief information about serving abroad. Prior to a possible contract writing, see also "Checklist for URA for employees".
Agreements on foreign contracts and guidelines for terms of employment in employment abroad (URA) are used for employees who will be stationed abroad during their service. The agreement gives the employer the opportunity to agree with the employee on terms of employment based on the requirements of the business, the nature of the assignment and the employee's individual situation. With the support of URA, KI can employ employees for a limited time for foreign service.
Before an employee moves abroad, a URA contract must be drawn up between KI and the employee, stating the conditions that apply throughout the entire international service. Examples of this may be compensation for additional expenses, housing costs, compensation for relocation and travel, etc.
Accompanying family members may also be subject to benefits and conditions linked to the employee's foreign service, which is regulated in the contract.
A person who is stationed abroad by a Swedish authority is considered to be resident in Sweden and is covered by Swedish social insurance, which means that they retain sickness benefit, parental benefit and child benefit. Employees posted abroad must therefore be registered in Sweden and be covered by social insurance in Sweden (exceptions may be made for people stationed in the Nordic countries, HR contact HRA).
Contact must be made with the Swedish Social Insurance Agency and different procedures apply depending on which country you may be stationed in:
- Apply for an A1 certificate for countries within the EU/EEA and Switzerland
- Apply for a convention certificate for countries outside the EU/EEA and Switzerland with which Sweden has an agreement
- Send in form no. 5459 for a social insurance report for countries outside the EU/EEA and Switzerland for countries with which Sweden does not have an agreement (make sure you write that you will work, not move to the other country)
Processing at the Swedish Social Insurance Agency can take a long time, so contact them in good time.
You may not have lived/been stationed in the same country as the stationing is intended to be in, immediately before the URA stationing. Nor may you receive any other compensation during the period of posting.
The employee must not have lived / been stationed in the same country as the stationing is intended to be in, immediately before the URA stationing.The employee must also not receive other compensation during the posting abroad.
Salary and ev. other remuneration is paid from Sweden and taxed according to Swedish law.
KI has a group insurance for all those deployed under the URA agreement. Contact your local HR to obtain e-signed certificates. These certificates outline what is included in the URA insurance. The terms and conditions of the insurance can be found at Kammarkollegiet (only in Swedish).
Marie Curie finansing
If the broadcast is financed in whole or in part by Marie Curie's funds, this must be reconciled with the HR department before the URA contract is drawn up.