Reimbursement for medical expenses and drugs
As a government employee, you are entitled to compensation for certain healthcare costs and drugs.
Register your request for reimbursements for healthcare and drugs in the PA-web
From 1 January 2024, you must request reimbursements for healthcare and drugs through the PA web.
Click on "My page" and then go down to the medical expenses sub-menu.
Link to the PA-web
The system process for healthcare and medication reimbursement
Employee - Payroll Specialist
Information that is required on the receipt for compensation to be paid out:
- First and last name
- Social security number
- Date
- Amount
- Type of visit (for healthcare visits)
- Attached receipt (or extract from e-service)
- A bank statement is required if payment has been made by invoice
E-hälsomyndigheten, The e-health authority, has an e-service where you can get a summary of your high-cost cover for medicines
How to obtain a summary of your high-cost protection for medicines:
Go to the E-Health Authority website:
- Select "Läkemedelskollen" (Medication Check)
- Log in using your bank ID.
- Choose "Recept och högkostnadsskydd" (Prescriptions and High-cost Protection)
- Choose "Visa Dokument" (View document)
- Choose "Öppna högkostnadsskydd" (Open High-cost Protection).
- Save the PDF file and attach it to your medical expenses case in Pa-webben
The amount reimbursed is taxable and is paid on the next salary date, subject to the production of a receipt. No reimbursement applies to Doctor's visits that are more than two years old. Regarding reimbursement of medicines see chapter “Drugs” below. All amounts must be included in the Swedish high-cost protection (be regionally connected and not private) to be reimbursed and this must be stated on the receipt.
Medicines covered by drug benefits according to the Medicines Benefits Act (2002:160), is replaced by the amount registered in the high cost protection.
From 1 April 2024, you can only apply for reimbursement for drug costs once per year of purchase.
In order for you as an employee to receive reimbursement, you need to apply for a total reimbursement on one occasion, no later than January 31 of the following year.
Medical treatment that is not reimbursed
Reimbursement is provided only for the above-mentioned visits (region-affiliated doctor, physiotherapist, psychologist, oral surgery, and hospital care).
For alternative forms of treatment, e.g. treatment by a chiropractor or naprapath, no reimbursement applies. The same applies to X-rays and mammography. KI does not allow any gross salary deductions to pay for private surgical operations or IVF treatments. In case of leave of absence of more than 30 days, no medical treatment or medicine receipts are reimbursed.
Medical treatment
The maximum reimbursement for the cost of medical treatment is SEK 95 per treatment session. By medical treatment are meant an examination and treatment provided by a person authorised to work as a doctor in Sweden.
The maximum reimbursement for the cost of physiotherapy is SEK 55 per treatment session. By physiotherapy is meant treatment which, after referral by a doctor, is given by a qualified physiotherapist
Psychological treatment
The maximum reimbursement for the cost of psychological treatment is SEK 95 per treatment session. By psychological treatment is meant treatment which, after referral by a doctor, is given by a qualified psychiatrist, qualified psychologist or qualified psychotherapist.
Oral surgical treatment
The maximum reimbursement for the cost of treatment involving oral surgery is SEK 95 per treatment session. By treatment involving oral surgery is meant treatment which is carried out at a hospital or at an odontological faculty.
Hospital treatment
The maximum reimbursement for the cost of hospital treatment is SEK 70 for each day of treatment.