Aina Börjeson Foundation for Speech Language Pathology Research and Treatment

Karolinska Institutet hereby invites applications for research grants from the Aina Börjeson Foundation. The aim of the foundation is to promote speech language pathology research and treatment.


Eligible to apply are registered doctoral students and researchers, affiliated to Karolinska Institutet, and with a doctoral degree earned no more than 7 years ago. The time limit may be extended with a maximum of 24 months (equivalent to full-time) compensating for clinical activity, parental leave, military service or long-term sick leave.


The disposable amount is usually between 600,000 and 900,000 SEK, but can also vary between years. Awarded grants varies between 60,000 and 90,000 SEK per person. You can never get more than the requested amount.


The application must contain a research plan of maximum 15 000 charachters (approximately 4 A4-pages), an abstract of about 1 A4-page, ethical considerations and a budget where indirect costs must also be stated.

The following attachments should be enclosed:

  1. A publication list stating the 10 most relevant publications for this call besides a complete publication list for the previous 5 years and the current year. Minimum for doctoral students without publications, is to attache a manuscript.
  2. For applicants who have previously been awarded grants from this call, a progress report must be attched for consideration of the new application.
  3. For doctoral students who have passed half-time control, a letter from the supervisor must be enclosed, or alternatively an extract from Ladok that confirms that.

Note that you should not add co-applicants to this call.

The application must be submitted digitally. The online form will be available through KI Prisma during the application period, January 9 – 23, 2024. The application period opens at 10 am on January 9 and closes 2 pm on January 23.


Decision of grant will be taken by the Committee of Research. All applicants will be notified by e-mail in March.


After the end of the term, you have to login to Prisma and confirm whether you have used the money, or at least have started using the money, or not. If you have not used the money at all during the disposition period, these should be returned to the Foundations & Donations.

Reports are submitted via Prisma about 12 months after the money has been paid, except for travel benefits where reporting takes place approximately one month after the end of the term. You will receive an email notification when it is time to report.


For questions regarding this call please e-mail: