Dr Åke Olsson Foundation for Hematological Research

Dr Åke Olsson Foundation hereby invites applications for grants for Hematological Research, primarily in the area of myeloma and leukemia.


The purpose of the foundation is to support hematological research, primarily in the area of myeloma and leukemia. Hematological research in this context refers to both basic biomedical and applied clinical research.

The foundation supports hematology researchers at Karolinska Institutet who are at an important but early stage of their career. The foundation strives to serve as an initiator for the development of new expertise in the field of hematology.


Young researchers, affiliated with Karolinska Institutet, who have earned a doctoral degree but are not yet fully established as leaders of research projects, are eligible to apply. Application for funding regarding a limited project are welcome. 

Applicants can receive support from the foundation on no more than two occasions.


The disposable amount is usually between 1,500,000 and 2,200,000 SEK, but can also vary between years. Awarded grants varies between 300,000 and 500,000 SEK per person. You can never get more than the requested amount.

Upon special request, the grant may be used to pay the applicant’s salary.


The application must contain a research plan of maximum 15 000 charachters (approximately 4 A4-pages), a popular scientific summary in Swedish (approximately 1,500 characters), ethical considerations and a budget where indirect costs must also be stated.

The following attachments should be enclosed:

  1. A publication list stating the 10 most relevant publications for this call besides a complete publication list for the previous 5 years and the current year
  2. Publication list for any co-applicants
  3. For applicants who have previously been awarded grants from this call, a progress report must be attched for consideration of the new application.

The application must be submitted digitally. The online form will be available ​through KI Prisma during the application period, January 7 – 21, 2025. The application period opens at 10 am on January 7 and closes 2 pm on January 21.


Decision of grant will be taken by the Board of the Foundation. All applicants will be notified by e-mail in May.


Grant recipients must submit a financial and popular scientific report in Swedish of the research project the year after the award. If you have not used the money at all during the disposition period, these should be returned to the Foundation.

Reports are submitted in August and September the year after you have been granted. You will receive an email notification from Foundations & Donations when it is time to report.


For questions regarding this call please e-mail: fonder@ki.se