Karolinska Institutet Research Grants 2024-2025

Hereby announces grants for research projects from Karolinska Institutet’s Research Foundation Grants.


Eligible to apply are all scientists with a PhD or visiting scientists, affiliated to Karolinska Institutet.


Awarded grants varies between 20,000 and 50,000 SEK per person and year.

Special grants for younger scientists

In addition to the general grants, special grants are available for junior researchers, establishing their own research projects. The grant amounts to 100,000 SEK total and spread over 2 years and per grant holder. Eligible to receive special grants are scientists who defended their thesis during the last 7 years. The time limit may be extended with a maximum of 24 months (equivalent to full-time) compensating for clinical activity, parental leave, military service or long-term sick leave.

No separate application is requested. The top applications from junior researchers within respective research area can be eligible for the special grant.

The special grant can only be awarded once.


As the review group also includes non-Swedish reviewers, the application should be done in English in order to ensure that the scientific evaluation of the applications is done in an equivalent and efficient manner.

The application must contain a research programme of maximum 4 000 characters (approximately 1 A4-page), information about supervision and ethical considerations.

The following attachments should be enclosed:

  1. A publication list stating the 10 most relevant publications for this call besides a complete publication list for the previous 5 years and the current year.

Note that you should not add co-applicants to this call.

The application must be submitted digitally. The online form will be available ​through KI Prisma during the application period, April 2 – 30, 2024. The application period opens at 10 am on April 2 and closes 2 pm on April 30.

In this call, you have to choose right review group. The groups are divided by main area so it is important that you choose the same review group as the main area.


The decision is made by the Committee of Research and regards funding for two years. All applicants will be notified by e-mail in November.

Evaluation criteria

Each individual research project will be evaluated according to the following evaluation criteria:

  1. Research programme
  2. Publications
  3. The applicant’s role as supervisor of active doctoral students and postdocs during the last two years.


For questions regarding this call please e-mail: fonder@ki.se