KI Travel Grants for research visits for PhD students, autumn 2024

Karolinska Institutet hereby invites applications for travel grants for PhD students.


Travel grant can be applied for for a stay at a university or research institution inside and outside Sweden.

A stay at a university/research institution must include at least two weeks and a maximum of three months. The stay can be divided on several occasions.

This grant does not cover participation in international conferences, doctoral courses or study visits.


The amount granted is a maximum of SEK 30,000 per person, but the budget in the application must state a full cost calculation for the stay. Higher amounts than the requested are never granted.

Period of travel

Applications in this round will cover travel during the period between November, 2024 – December, 2025.

Eligibility and assessment criteria

PhD students accepted into the doctoral education at Karolinska Institutet are eligible to apply.

If the number of eligible applications is higher than the number that can be awarded, a selection will be made. In the first hand, applications from persons who have not previously been granted a travel grant from the Committee for Doctoral Education will be granted.

The evaluation is based upon the following criteria:

  • Relevance for the research education in question (1-3)
  • Added value for the PhD student and the research team, for example access to unique methods and materials (1-3)

Evaluators do further assessment of feasibility (1-3). Applications with plans not considered to be feasible can not be granted funds.


The application must be no more than 2 A4 pages and include a description of the purpose of the research visit, its relevance to the PhD student's individual study plan and the added value for the PhD student/research group. The title of the application must indicate the country of travel. (Example: Research visit in Italy, collection / analysis of ... with technology X; training in method Y).

If a publication list is available, it should be enclosed. In case you have not yet published any paper, but have initiated a manuscript, the manuscript should be enclosed.

Applications must be submitted digitally. The online form will be available ​through KI Prisma during the application period, September 3 – 17, 2024. The application period opens at 10 am on September 3 and closes 2 pm on September 17.


Decision of grant will be taken by the Committee for Doctoral Education. All applicants will be notified by e-mail in November. The grant can only be used for the travel that was applied for.


In addition to the information in the application forms, the following documents are to be attached:

  1. Invitation from the university or research institution
  2. Letter from principal supervisor approving the stay (compulsory for all applicants)
  3. If you have passed half-time control, an extract from Ladok should be enclosed to confirm this
  4. Applicants who have previously awarded grants from the Foundation must attach a progress report for consideration of the new application.

Note that you should not add co-applicants to this call.


After the end of the term, you have to login to Prisma and confirm whether you have used the money, or at least have started using the money, or not. If you have not used the money at all during the disposition period, these should be returned to the Foundations & Donations.

Reports are submitted via Prisma about 12 months after the money has been paid, except for travel benefits where reporting takes place approximately one month after the end of the term. You will receive an email notification when it is time to report.


For questions regarding this call please