The Performance Appraisal Process at KI - a dialogue based work method
The Performance Appraisal process is part of the systematic work environment management and KI's efforts to monitor and ensure the quality and results of the business at the individual level.
What does the process look like?
This is a dialogue-based process that spans the year. It consists of two different dialogues: the first dialogue, "Goal and Development Dialogue" (employee dialogue 1, ED1), usually takes place in Q1, and the second dialogue, "Result and Salary Review" (employee dialogue 2, ED2), takes place in Q4, depending on the timing of business planning, budgeting, and salary review.

What is an employee dialogue?
It is a structured dialogue between the line manager and the employee that focuses on clarifying goals and expected performance. The dialogues aim to follow up on the work, adjust the direction, manage changes and ambitions, and set salaries. In the dialogue, you can discuss what sustainable career development means and how you work to create an optimal work environment. The dialogues are also part of a process to retain and develop talented employees both in the short and long term.
What does Goal and Development dialogue entail?
The first dialogue usually takes place at the beginning of the year. The purpose of this dialogue is to establish good and trustworthy relationships, clarify role expectations, and define goals and expected results based on the needs of the business.
This dialogue should also help to explore the individual's motivation and well-being, discuss work environment conditions such as access to various forms of collaboration, support, and skills development that may be appropriate.
It is also important to clarify the link between salary, performance, and results, which you do in the dialogue by referring to the salary criteria suitable for the position and the goals you agree on.
What does Result and Salary dialogue entail?
The second employee dialogue should be conducted in connection with the salary review. Here, you jointly evaluate how the employee has performed and discuss how the results meet the goals agreed upon in the first dialogue. The evaluation is linked to salary setting and is based on the salary criteria. Read more about salary setting and employee dialogue 2 here and the salary criteria in KI's salary policy "Salary as a Management Tool."
Who is included in the Performance Appraisal Process?
All employees are included in the Performance Appraisal Process. However, those groups that do not have a regular salary do not have dialogue 2, “Result and Salary Review” (ED2). Instead, they can have a "Goal and development" dialogue and/or an adapted dialogue specifically designed for doctoral students, called "WE-dialogue" (Work Environment Dialogue), focusing on the individual's conditions, situation, work environment, work engagement, etc. See the support document "WE-dialogue."
Why do we have these dialogues at KI?
Engaged, competent, and healthy employees are a cornerstone for KI to continue developing and maintaining its position as a leading medical university. Creating optimal conditions for the work environment and ensuring good results at the individual level is therefore a crucial cornerstone for the quality of the business.
The dialogue-based approach is an important part of building trust and collaboration, which is particularly useful in complex societal challenges, where different perspectives and experiences can lead to more well-founded decisions. By having a dialogue about how each employee can achieve both their own and the business's overall strategies and ambitions, the employee dialogues contribute to a trustworthy platform for development and goals to create a more resilient group.
Preparation Material
It is important that both managers and employees prepare for the discussions. Managers and HR inform about the preparations that apply to you. You can find the various preparation materials (templates) at the bottom of the page.
For managers and HR, there is in-depth information under Related links at the top right and under Documentation below.
The templates below provide additional support in the form of suggested questions to reflect about and to ask during dialogue 1. The questions are linked to the salary criteria for each professional category.
The document “Dialogue Action Plan SV/ENG (new version)” contains all preparation questions for all target groups including salary criteria. The template is designed in both Swedish and English.
More information for logged in staff
There is more information for those of you working in the following groups
- OF.Department of Dental Medicine
- OV.University Dental Clinic