Document administration i Drupal

How to upload documents in the system, link to them, name, exchange and delete them.

Before uploading a document

consider a few things:

  1. Does this document add anything to the information already on my page? 
    When the document has the same information found on the page, do not upload it, for example a poster promoting a lecture probably adds nothing to a calendar event for the same lecture.
  2. Is Karolinska Institutet the sender/owner of this document?
    If someone else is the sender of the document, you should never upload it at Instead, link to the document on the page of the owner. If the owner did not post the document or removed it, they probably have grounds for doing so.
  3. Is the document you want to refer to already uploaded? 
    Never upload additional versions of a document. Instead, link to the version someone else has uploaded. If you have a later version, you can replace the existing document instead.
  4. Is the document accessible?
    If a document is to be found via search, be able to read and be accessible, it must be saved as an accessible pdf, not a scanned one. 
  5. Is the document named?
    You must name it before you create a pdf, otherwise the web page will show the name of the template document instead. In Office, this is done by going to File - Info and clicking Properties, then Advanced properties. This will bring up fields where you can fill in the properties your document needs to have.

Link to an uploaded document

In the Documents block

If the link should be on its own line adjacent to the body text (it is usually preferred, as it creates an overview and makes it a little easier to overlook the page).

  1. Add the block Documents
  2. Change headline from Documents if needed
  3. Select "Selected Documents"
  4. Search for the document (When the link appears on the page, the name of the document will be retrieved, why it is important that the document has a logical name)

Please note! In the Documents block, you can only link to documents that are uploaded on the same subdomain as the page you want to link from. If you want to link to a document that has been uploaded on another subdomain (for example, if you want to link to a document on from a page on, you can instead make a link in the text or in block links.

Unlinked document will be unpublished

All documents that are not in the Document block on a published page on the website are periodically unpublished (once a month). This means that a documents that is only linked to from body text will also be unpublished.

Documents that are uploaded and published on our website can be found by a visiter who uses search to find information, either on our website or an external search engine regardless of if their are any other references to this document on If no page links to a document, it cannot be found via navigation and is therefore probably no longer relevant. In order to keep the website clean and create a better user experience for visitors who use search to find their content, we unpublish documents that no page on links to.

In the text

If the link should be in the body text 

  • Select the text you want linked 
  • Go to Linkit
  • Type the documents name until options show up, and select the document you want.

Upload a document

Always start by checking if the document may already be uploaded in the system. You can upload a new document in two ways:

From the page

  1. Add the block Documents
  2. Change headline from Documents if needed
  3. Select files and follow the instructions

From workbench

  1. Go to Content
  2. Select the tab "Documents"
  3. Select "Add documents" and follow the instructions

Rename the document

Change the name of the document. This is important for three reasons: 

  • The name becomes the link that appears in the search results on Google or
  • The name becomes the name of the link if you use the "Documents" block on a page or in a news article.
  • A good name makes it easier to find the document in the system when you need to link it to a page.

Replace and remove documents

Replace documents

When you want to replace an uploaded document with a later version, you should keep the document container and replace only the file. Then the link (URL) to the document is maintained. Do this:

  1. Go to Workbench
  2. Select the tab Document.
  3. Find your document and click Edit
  4. Select Remove to remove the old version
  5. Upload the new file where the old one used to be and save. 

Remove old documents

To delete outdated files, do as above but select the Delete option.

As an editor, you cannot delete files or document containers that you did not upload yourself, but you can unpublish them by unchecking the "Published" box and save. If you simply remove the link to your document but do not unpublish or delete it, it will continue to be searchable both on and via google. Therefore, it is very important that you remove documents that are no longer used and/or that have become outdated.

If you have problems finding a document back-end, but have the link to it, you can instead take the document link and switch "download" to "edit". Example would be

Short clip on replacing documents

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