Regulatory document
The page type Regulatory document is intended for the six types of policy documents available at KI. A policy document should always be presented in this page type. You can supplement with explanatory and in-depth information on regular pages.
Steering documents at KI are divided into six different document types:
- Rules
- Guidelines
- Policy
- Strategy
- Action plan
- Instructions
Each of these documents should be summarized on a Regulatory document page. They will then be displayed and searchable on the page Steering documents.
Access to the Staff portal does not automatically give access to this page type. If you need to edit them, ask the web management for access.
Mandatory fields
The fields you have to fill in are
- Diary number (Dnr)
- Decision date
- Validity period
- Decision (Decision made by)
- Document type
- Handled by department/unit
- Preparation with
You can also fill in the fields
- Dnr previous version
- Revision with respect to

In addition to these fields, you should link to the full document (available PDF).
Related information
The page automatically creates linked headings and a link to the steering document landing page in a Related information-box. This page should not be the parent page. Your document should be placed in the structure where the user is looking for it, i.e. together with related pages.
Example: Rules for content on KI's central website is a steering document that can be found on the page Steering documents. But in the structure the page has the parent Web publication since that is what the rules are about. See the breadcrumbs:
You can add additional links in the Related information-box. Otherwise, the page should only contain text that is in the original document.
The steering documents page displays all steering documents at KI. The visitor can also filter the policy documents by
- type
- keyword
- category
- decision date

På sidan styrdokument visas alla styrdokument upp. Besökaren kan även filtrera fram styrdokumenten utifrån
- typ
- sökord
- kategori
- beslutsdatum