Introduction to for editors

The website consists of four domains;,, and On the domain, there are also a number of subsites, for each department and for the central areas Research, About KI and Collaboration.

The goals for

Karolinska Institutet's goals for are established in the management plan. The main objective is that visitors, both internally and externally, should find what they are looking for and find high quality, meaning updated, relevant and clear, content.

Some functions make good quality easier to create:

  • the connection to the staff catalogue automatically updates contact details
  • different page types makes it easier to display content in a nice and inviting way
  • local content on the Staff portal reduces the risk of multiple versions of the same information
  • all editors having an understanding of web communication

The site structure has four subdomains

  • (with all institutions etc)

These share a lot of functionality but also hosts some unique code and functions. The subdomain hosts several subsiets/groups. Each department have their own subsite, but Research, About KI and Collaboration are also subsites. Each subsite has its own top menu, header and content.

Through a global menu and footer common to all sites, the visitor can reach the home page, search functions and some shortcuts. is built in the publishing tool or CMS (content management system) Drupal 8. The software is open source under the GNU (General Public License) license. This means that it can be downloaded and used free of charge. Drupal is currently used by both individuals as well as small and large organizations and companies.

Karolinska Institutet has adapted Drupal to meet our needs. So, if you worked in Drupal earlier, you will recognize a lot - but also encounter a lot that is new.

Mobile first!

At least one third of all visits to come via mobile or tablet. The site is responsive, meaning that it works for many different kinds of devices and screen sizes. Thinking primarily about the mobile user is an approach where one initially ensures that everything on the site works for the mobile screen; design, technology, content. Scaling the site to different formats affects the design, but also how we work with the content. The screen is small, and navigating in a small menu system, jumping between several, sometimes rather short, pages is difficult. We should therefore instead support the scroll behavior, which is easier on the phone. One example is to work with fewer but longer pages. So, always check how your pages look in your mobile!

No trees

At the structure is not created in a folder structure, but by menus, links and tags. The pages do not have a single, fixed place in a hierarchy. They rather exist in an information sea where labelling and links makes each page possible to find. Menus and structures exist, but this navigation needs to be supplemented with more ways to find the right content. Increasingly visitors search to find relevant information rather than navigate. With well-formulated leads and metadata, content can be filtered during a search so that the result becomes more relevant to the visitor. This is also explained during the course. News and calendar events are also tagged to be targeted to the right groups.

If you previously used a hierarchically structured publishing tool (like EpiServer), this can take some time to get used to. 

Bilingual supports Swedish and English. All pages that are to be displayed in both languages ​​need to be translated manually and linked together so that the visitor can see that two versions exist. You can also easily translate information around the images you upload.

Who is responsible for what?

  • Publisher (ansvarig utgivare): The Director of Communications
  • System Owner: The Communications Department, Jill Jönsson
  • Responsible for The web team is responsible for development, maintenance and operating the system
  • Content: Editors + content curators on institutions and the professional services 

Roles in the system

Each institution has a local main editor who must have at least twenty percent working time set aside for this. Other editors are available as needed, receiving support and coordination from the local editor-in-chief. In the first instance, turn to your local main editor at the department. A list of main editors (Links to an external site.) can be found on the Staff Portal.

  • Editor: Can create and publish content within an area/group of pages at, for example, an institution.
  • Supereditor (local editor): Rights as editor, but also responsible for the homepage. Can edit navigation in the top menu. Can delete content created by others within the site. Overall responsibility for the site and stands for support and coordination of editors.
  • Staff: Everyone with KI ID can log in to edit their own profile page. More information can be found on the page Profiles page (Links to an external site.)
  • Profile administrator: Rights to edit (other people's) profile pages.
  • Programme web editor:  Rights to create and update programme web pages on 
  • Course web page editor: Rights to create and update course web pages. If this is the only task you will need to perform, you only need to take a limited version of this course. 

Logging in

We recommend that you use Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome while working in the system. Internet Explorer does not work when using the editing function. Once you have logged into all subsites on, accounts are created in Drupal where we can later assign rights to you once you have completed the course. Then you will be able to login with your KI ID on The login is also available on the Staff portal.

Content reviewer: