Targeted news, operating info and calendar events

Targeted news are aimed towards a more specific group than just "staff". You can target the content to one or more group(s) with organizational affiliation in the identity and access system IDAC.

You can create and edit targeted news the same way you create all news at Choose audience "staff". This enables you to select one or more groups in the tree "Who is the news targeted to? (May also be called "groups from IDAC) "

The groups are based on information from IDAC, which means that those who are employed or affiliated within an organizational unit are automatically a part of the right groups and can see their news.

The news is still public, it can be found via search and can appear in lists, if it matches other selections in that list. That is, if your news item also has a tag, such as "Research Data" or "Allergy", and there is a list/widget on another page/landing page that fetches news to employees with that particular tag, your news will be visible there, even for those who are not logged in on that page.

Since the news is public, we recommend that you try to be as specific as possible when choosing groups. Anyone who is not directly concerned can read the news, but it will not show in their feeds on the start page.

screenshot from the cms for
Choose who your news or calendar event is targeted to. When you do not click any boxes from the IDAC tree, your news is addressed to all staff at KI.

Opertating info 

Operation info works in the same way as news. That is, you can direct an operation info to one or more groups/organizational units.

Where can I find my news?

When an employee or affiliated logs in to the staff portal (with their KI ID), the news targeted to the groups/organizational units they belong to appear on the start page, marked with a colour bar. If you select the "my groups" tab, you only see the news that is directed to your own groups.

Example of how news and operating info is shown for logged in employees.
A colour bar tells you that this is a piece of news targeted to a specific group of staff.

Calendar events

Targeted calendar events are not visible on the start page at the moment, only in lists/widgets that fetches events for employees when it matches other selections. For example, you can have a list of calendar events for employees at an institution or department.

Locked news and calendar events

Denna funktion är ännu under utveckling. Om du bockar i rutan låst så kommer din nyhet eller ditt event inte att synas någonstans, inte heller för den som är inloggad.

This feature is still being developed. If you check the box "locked", your news or event will not appear anywhere, not even after login.

Create a list

You create lists via the widget and then paste the code on a landing page or page. News, operations info and calendar events addressed to staff should only be displayed on the staff portal, so do not use these lists elsewhere.

If you need more tips and advice on how to work with news, operating info och calendar events, feel free to contact or me:

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Jenny Thorell

Communications Officer
Content reviewer: