Languages is bilingual - Swedish and English. It is important for editors to make sure that all content appear in the language the user expects or needs.
The fact that is bilingual means that Swedish content must be reflected in English and vice versa. The exception is content that is only aimed at an target group that the sender knows only understands Swedish or English. There must be no Swedish content on an English page and vice versa.
Create content
When you create content you choose language in the language menu on top of the page. You can change this at any time, as long as you also translate the content.

Change language
Once you change the language in the content you will notice that links for Included in, Language version etc do not appear like you expect. Then go to Content or My content and look up the content and this will work.
Where the URL (web address) differs with the languages you need to be logged in on both in order to edit your pages correctly. These are